Welcome to the second BEAUCOUP MIXTAPE!!!
A wild freeform sound collage mixtape extravaganza.
I’m going to make these mixtapes free for all subscribers, but I’d ask that if you dig it and want to support this project please consider joining the paid subscribers for only five bucks a month. That gets you the twice-monthly newsletter absolutely bursting with contemporary art, fashion, music, literature, videos, and other uncategorizable materials.
Now then, without further ado…
TRACK ONE: excerpt from King Crimson- “Red” but reversed by Eduardo Calvo
TRACK TWO: “The Family Business” from Cheer-Accident
TRACK THREE: me improvising on the piano
TRACK FOUR: excerpt from Savage Steve Holland’s One Crazy Summer
TRACK FIVE: “Japan” by Foot Village
TRACK SIX: a portion of Macha Loved Bedhead - Believe (Cher Cover)
TRACK SEVEN: BBC Archive 1966: Children imagine life in the year 2000
TRACK EIGHT: “Steam Rose From The Lifeless Cloak” by Liars
TRACK NINE: Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak debating postmodernism
TRACK TEN: excerpt from Tibor Takacs’s The Gate
TRACK ELEVEN: excerpt from Pauline Kael And Stan Brakhage (1964)
TRACK TWELVE: excerpt from “The Pre-Dawn Light” by Jordan Reyes
TRACK THIRTEEN: excerpt from “Against Gravity” by Horse Lords
TRACK FOURTEEN: a kaleidoscopic plunder of sounds
TRACK FIFTEEN: chopped remix of It’s Bunni ASMR
TRACK SIXTEEN: excerpt chopped up from “Full Moon Come” by Lucky Dragons
FINAL TRACK (OUTRO): Kobe highlights mashed with other stuff
* all other sounds you hear, I created or sourced from the public domain
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