Welcome to (Year 2: Month 10: Volume 2), the new exclusive collection for paid subscribers! Thank you again for supporting this project, I really appreciate it!
As always it’s absolutely bursting with contemporary art, fashion, music, literature, videos, and other uncategorizable materials…
ICYMI: The third mixtape is now available for free!! And in case you missed the previous two, here’s Mixtape #1 and Mixtape #2.
Don’t forget this newsletter will exceed most email limits, so you’ll need to click through to “view entire message” at the bottom of this email or click over to the website to enjoy the whole thing.
And remember, every entry comes with a link so you can explore more and more.
Now then, without further ado…
Kiowa 49 – War Expedition Songs (1969, Indian House Records)
Lawrence Paul Yuxweluptun is a Cowichan/Syilx First Nations contemporary artist from Canada
I have brought you a small grief, so it can grow in your hands, and doors open to absence, so you can attend, and whenever my cousins kill me, my mother gives birth to me again in refugee camps.
— from “I Have Brought You Syria” by Ghayath Almadhoun, via The Nation
September 30: Radical Foundations, Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire
Julia Taszycka is a Polish artist who was born in 1992.
When figured racially, the subject of psychoanalysis (Freudian, Lacanian, or others) is always already mediated juridically (historical and actual relations) and scientifically. It doesn’t stand alone as a figure of authority, nor does it enter naked in the symbolic positions of authority. For this reason, I believe that neither figure—the Freudian ego or the Lacanian subject—would survive a confrontation with the wounded captive body in the scene of subjugation.
— “We (Don’t) Want the End of the World” by Patricia Ekpo and Denise Ferreira da Silva, via Parapraxis
Mario Abela, born (b. 1983), live and work on the island of Gozo - Malta.
Shizuka Kusayanagi “was born in 1982 in Yokohama, Japan, and obtained a BFA in Communication Design from Parsons School of Design, New York. She is currently based in Los Angeles.”
Schiaparelli | Haute Couture Fall Winter 2022/2023 | Full Show
“Born in Japan and raised in the California Bay Area, Maya Fuji is inspired by both her cultural heritage and the exploration of the liminal space she lives in as an issei (first-generation) mixed-race woman in the United States.”
from the waters] alight [with the oceans]
alight [against] alight [this seasink] alight [into
land] alight [of us] alight [turned robe] alight [of
concrete] alight [and cement] alight [the desert] alight
[bloomed] alight [into strip] alight [ma(u/l)l] alight [settler]
alight [on branch] alight [of their own] alight [making]
— from “the ghosts of the dead sea are rising’ by George Abraham, via the Drift
What actually happened at Paris Fashion Week besides the bedbug infestation (20+ Runway Shows) by Bliss Foster
Nick McPhail is a painter and ceramist based in Los Angeles.
“Come on, then,” she told him.
The boy sat at the table.
“What’s got you up?”
“I can’t sleep,” he said.
“Me neither.”
The boy opened his mouth, ready to speak, then closed his lips.
“Go on,” Nancy said, “what is it?”
The boy swung his feet in the chair, nervously. “Are you a witch?”
— from “snake baby” by d.t. robbins, via Word West Revue
Renata Cassiano Alvarez is a Mexican-Italian artist making sculpture predominantly in ceramics materials.
Iris Van Herpen | Haute Couture Fall Winter 2023/2024 | Full Show
“Rachael Zur's expanded paintings blend sculptural physicality with traditional painting techniques.”
Ben Rivers in conversation with curator Solveig Øvstebø (2016)
Peihang Benoît was born in Taiwan, 1984.
In this room where I am writing, I finish writing the prior sentence, then I blow out the candle on my desk. I watch the smoke rise, filling my senses with its odor, both from the burning and the tint of artifice, bred by design. Less than a minute later, the smoke has cleared, if not the smell yet, and I’m the only one who’s here. They say silence can ring louder than any sound, but it’s the sound that makes the silence ring, to the point it hurts, like grasping on to something no one has a name for.
— from “blake.doc” by Blake Butler, via Harper’s
Teresa Murta “was born in Lisbon and graduated from the Caldas da Rainha School of Arts and Design in 2014. She is currently based in Berlin.”
The next day, Angeline wakes up to an additional Angeline holding a broom and sweeping the floor before work, which maybe she should appreciate, but frankly she is freaking out, and wants both of the fake Angelines to get the fuck out of her house, or at least to not have to feel what her doppelgangers feel, all of the little flexes in her muscles that comprise any gesture or movement.
— “The Angelines Chan of Pokfulam Road” by Rosemarie Ho, via The Drift
DJ Lynnée Denise’s Mixtape: Willie Mae Thornton
Jeffly Gabriela Molina (b. 1989) is a Chicago-based interdisciplinary artist from Táchira, Venezuela.
Somehow, I came across Barthes’ great essay from 1979, “The Wisdom of Art,” in which he mentions one of Cy Twombly’s Orpheus pieces. I was immediately intrigued, and when I stumbled on the passage “Twombly’s art is an incessant victory over the stupidity of strokes,” I was smitten. Both with Barthes and by association with Twombly. Sometimes, I imagine Twombly reading that line.
Almost nothing makes me happier.
— from “The Aesthetics of Inscrutability: On Cy Twombly: Inscriptions” by Dean Rader, via Zyzzyva
Jamie Gray Williams b. 1989 in Evansville, Indiana, maintains a studio in Philadelphia.
Louis Moreau Gottschalk (1829-69):Symphony Nº1"A Night in the Tropics"(1858/59)
I think it began with “a point as that which has no part,” truly. I ran a seminar where we read Euclid’s Elements. Sitting around a table of seventh graders talking about what is this and what does it mean? “A point is that which has no part”—what is that? We talked about it for like an hour. We had to stop and take a snack break. It was fascinating for two reasons: One is that I kept saying to them, “It’s like a poem.” We’re taking apart the language and thinking about what it means like we would with a poem, and that helped them. That became our approach.
— from Kelly Krumrie & Mark Mayer, Part I, via Full Stop
Jamey Hart “(b.1992, Erie, PA) is an artist currently living and working in Boston, MA. His practice focuses on casting everyday experiences into the shadow.”
Kacy Jung is a Taiwanese visual artist based in San Francisco.
Sierra Montoya Barela is an artist living and working in Philadelphia, PA.